Are your mealtimes with your child pleasant?
- Yes, almost always pleasant (100%, 3 Votes)
- No, it is usually a struggle (0%, 0 Votes)
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Category Archives: Exercise
Journaling: Writing Your Way to Better Health
Are you stuck in the same exercise routine? Are you struggling to eat better?
A landmark study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association revealed that writing exercises (aka journaling) can help alleviate symptoms of asthma and rheumatoid arthritis. This is why writing or journaling is one of the foundations of weight loss and health. I have a friend you says that some of the hardest writing she has done is about her health. I can’t disagree; this is a tough process for some.
But don’t fear: there are several types of journaling that might be beneficial for you to meet your health goals:
Posted in Exercise, Health, Motivation, Nutrition, Uncategorized
Tagged exercise, food and exercise, gratitude, health, journaling, weight loss, writing
Meal Wars – Part 3: The Child Who Overeats
As a parent, always remember to refer to the responsibilities that you and your child have. So here is some strategies to help you with the child that overeats:
1. Stay Positive – don’t judge, criticize, overreact, or call attention to your child’s overeating.
2. Tune in to your child’s emotional life – Stress and unhappiness can lead to overeating. Make time to talk to your child about their day. Listen to their problems and work together to address them. You may need to see professional help if necessary.
3. Fix and serve health meals and snacks (in reasonable portions) at regular times.
Posted in Child Nutrition, Exercise, Health, Motivation, Nutrition
Tagged child feeding, Ellyn Satter, encouragement, love, overeats, responsibilities, role model
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To Exercise or Not to Exercise?
To Exercise or Not to Exercise? Is that really the question…? Our bodies not only rely on good, healthy food, but, also, on regular (physcial) activity. Regular physical activity happens to be what we need to live a healthy lifestyle.
Posted in Exercise, Health, Motivation
Tagged exercise, gym, lifestyle, motivation, physical activity, plan
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