Edible Weeds

Weeds in your yard? Don’t worry they might be edible! I recently attended a garden tour of an organic garden with weeds. I took photos so I wouldn’t forget and have posted some common one that you would find in the Long Beach area.

Many know the dandelion is all edible. I’ve even seen it sold at a local farmer’s market. It can be bitter, but edible. A recent website also focuses on edible weeds.

Some cautionary words: When in doubt, don’t eat it! You don’t want to get sick or poisoned. Also, avoid weeds that have been near the roads or found in lawns. Those weeds have absorbed some of the pollutants such as fertilizer or car exhaust or BOTH! If you know it’s from an area that has been sprayed or contaminated, then enjoy your weed salad!

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary,
How does your garden grow?

Chickweed - soothing on wounds, but edible. Yes, chickens eat it, as well.

Clover - it has 3 petals not 4!

Wild Lettuce

Mallow, like marshmallow...it does have a "slick" taste. I have this plant growing everywhere by our home.

Seed pod from the mallow plant - looks like a cheese wheel! Yes-edible!

Plantain: heals bug bites instantly, especially as a poultice. Grows near moist areas, like an over-watered lawn.

Oxalis - my dad's least favorite in the garden, but edible nonetheless.

About Sharon M., MS RD

As a registered dietitian and a master gardener, I know the healing power of food. Nothing has given me more satisfaction than growing my own food. I have experience working in the public health field, including school districts. I have worked with pregnant moms, children, diabetics, and bariatric patients. I emphasis a plant-based, whole food diet. Yet, I appreciate the movement of eating sustainably, while hoping folks appreciate the bean as a source of protein. "To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art." - Francois de La Rochefoucauld "Feeding is going well if both you and yor child are having a good time." -Ellyn Satter
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