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Tag Archives: recipe
In Season: Artichokes
In all honesty, artichokes are probably a spring crop, but here in So Cal, they are ready for me to eat 🙂
A single artichoke is actually an unopened flower bud from a thistle-like plant, Cynara scolymus. It’s a member of the daisy family.
They were avidly cultivated in the fifteenth century in Florence and was reputedly taken to France by Catherine de Médicis, wife of Henry II. The French, Italians, and the Spanish continue to be the leading growers and consumers of artichokes. It was European immigrants who brought artichokes to the United States in the nineteenth century to Louisiana and then later to the mid-coastal regions of California, where the cool, foggy climate is ideal for growing.
Posted in Cooking, Edible Plants, Nutrition, Uncategorized
Tagged artichoke, cooking, daisy family, fiber, nutrition, recipe
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Onions & Garlic: A rose by any other name
I have been attending herbal classes. While I know some of the benefits of the nutritional properities of some herbs, I always enjoy learning more. So I thought I would share the benefits of onions & garlic.
The distinctive odor that garlic produces doesn’t occur until it is crushed. This is the plant’s defense mechanism against insect predators. Garlic cloves contain an odorless , sulfur-containing phytochemical  called “alliin.” When the clove is disrupted, alliin is released and reacts with an enzyme in the neighboring cells that converts it to the odoriferous “allicin.”   Allicin is the garlic’s bug repellant – and a “people” repellant which is why many folks are shy about eating it. If that’s the case, roast or cook whole to avoid the smell.
Posted in Cancer, cholesterol, Cooking, Edible Plants, gardening, Health, Herbs, Nutrition
Tagged cholesterol, garlic, onions, quercetin, recipe
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Food for Your Face
In Aruyveda medicine, the belief of not putting anything on your face that you wouldn’t put in your body is a is a basic tenent. Several months ago, I wrote on super foods that we should all incorporate into our bodies. A lot of these foods make wonderful facial masks and help improve your skin. As I make my own face toner, I reflect on the benefits of the ingredients for my body. The recipe I’m providing comes from a local who taught classes on natural skin care. So, for you do-it-yourself-ers I have provided the recipe to make your own facial toner to help tighten your pores and nourish your skin at the same time.
Cucumber Mint Facial Tonic
(Use Daily)
Posted in Beauty, Health
Tagged beauty, cucumber mint, Facial toner, recipe, skin, tonic
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