Garden Passion – Update

I thought I would share my current gardening passion and the progress that has occurred with my garden gutters. My seeds have started to sprout! The photos below will show the progress that has been made in about 2 months. Just so everyone is aware, it has been a warmer winter in So Cal.  I did plant some heirloom variety lettuces in one of the garden gutters.  I planted strawberry seeds in my other garden gutter.  You can see the photo of the small strawberry seed that are just starting. The benefit: I’ve not seen bugs; this includes slugs and pill bugs which usually eat tender seedlings.

Heirloom lettuce seeds just starting to sprout.

Lettuce seedlings are growing bigger!

The start of strawberry seedlings. Can't wait!

Happy February Gardening! Tomatoes are right around the corner.

About Sharon M., MS RD

As a registered dietitian and a master gardener, I know the healing power of food. Nothing has given me more satisfaction than growing my own food. I have experience working in the public health field, including school districts. I have worked with pregnant moms, children, diabetics, and bariatric patients. I emphasis a plant-based, whole food diet. Yet, I appreciate the movement of eating sustainably, while hoping folks appreciate the bean as a source of protein. "To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art." - Francois de La Rochefoucauld "Feeding is going well if both you and yor child are having a good time." -Ellyn Satter
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